Emilokan', Awa'lokan and The Discontent

- Ruben Abati *Emi lokan, awa lokan’ and the discontent* By Reuben Abati “BROS, how body? Have you seen what I have seen?” “No. How do you expect me to see what you have seen, when my eyes are different from yours? I use my own eyes. The evidence of my own ocular facility, not what other people see in a country where most people are either depressed, half-blind, hungry or sick. Every man for himself or herself.” “Ok. Ok, if you would just allow me to talk. You always think you know it all. But there are certain things other people see, and hear that you may not be aware of.” “Okay. What? I am all ears” “Can you believe that one man who was declared winner of an election in Karachi, Pakistan, in the recent elections in that country on February 8, turned down the victory, and said he was not the rightful winner of the election because it was rigged? Hafiz Naeem of the Jamaat-e-Islami Party insisted that the votes of his opponent were reduced and his increased to give him an illegitimat...