ON THE RE-ELECTABILITY OF PRESIDENT BUHARI - Nigerians vulnerable to the ugly consequences of mediocre leadership

"his presidency was made possible by some of the most hideously corrupt politicians in Nigerian history – which indicates that the fight against corruption would be seriously impaired ab initio" By Douglas Anele As we mentioned earlier, Muhammadu Buhari promised to give corruption a bloody nose, kill corruption before it kills Nigeria, and jail anyone convicted of financial impropriety. His tough talk against corruption resonated with the people because most of them think, rightly, that hydra-headed corruption especially at the topmost levels of government is the primary cause of our arrested development. President Buhari It follows that any presidential candidate with the unquestioning anti-corruption reputation like the one Buhari had then would likely be voted for by the majority of gullible voters – and that was precisely what happened. After Buhari was sworn in as President, his ardent supporters, those I refer to as buharimaniacs, bragged that “the new s...